At my 1st blog- Author angel, is this your blog?
rubyslippers: if it is... this whole story is dumb, I agree w/ youknowwho, danidaring sounds like a 2nd grader trying to save the world.
rubyslippers: you don't have issued, you have a subscription lol it was kinda funnyrubyslippers: issues, not issued
rubyslippers: die A A!
And that was the beginning
At Coco's blog- pretty sure im not the one who forged myself Rube, hint hint!)
Im positive she forged this-
AuthorAngel: I e-mailed youknowwho and I actualy like her! She's a pretty cool girl. I take back what I said about calling her Mildew Mildred. I'd call her by her real name, but I promised not to...
Author Angel: really, I do like youknowwho, we're practically best friends! I'm SOO sorry I EVER said anything bad about her
then u put
Rubyslippers: I'm glad you're finaly in favor of youknowwho! She is an awesome girl!!! I met her on the internet yesterday, and she is AWESOME!!! Author Angel, thanks for giving her a chance, it means alot to her!
then the real me made the awesome blog
rubyslippers: THAT B-B-B-LOG IS AWFUL! * bursts out crying* If I 'm correct, her name is Grace, I think, NOT mildew Mildred!!!!
rubyslippers: YOU ARE SO DUMB!!!! AUTHOR ANGEL!!!
rubyslippers: you didm't really dedcided to like her, you couldn't of!!!
rubyslippers: cuz you have that dumb MEAN blogrubyslippers: I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!rubyslippers: you are the dumbest human being since Brian Wakely ( my ex)rubyslippers: GRRRRRRRRRRRR
rubyslippers: and wat is this I've read bout " Dany Daring?" what the hec?rubyslippers: and youknowhwo is not fast, she's does have acne she said tho...
rubyslippers: FAT<>(tho youknowho does seem "fast")
And then you have the nerve to post this- (note- convo between youknowho and ruby)
On Coco-La's blog and our blog
youknowwho: I say I'm not gonna be silent any longer, time to speak my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!youknowwho: so uthor Angel, you can silence me NO MORE!!!!!youknowwho: hahahaha!youknowwho: so... I get to torture Courtney and girlnextdoor!!!!! I AM AWESOME!!!youknowwho: I AM EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!youknowwho: MUAHAHAHAHAHAyouknowwho: forget that I EVER truced, as of NOW this is WAR!!!!!!!
rubyslippers: YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!! *YAYAYAYAYAYAY* I'm SOOO happy! Asisters RULE!!!!! (WTF?)
rubyslippers: or did we change it...
rubyslippers: ...
youknowwho: tokyo "mew mew" how LAME!!! sounde like a cartoon special for 2 year olds!!!!rubyslippers: ummm
rubyslippers: youknowwho, just listen, tokyo mew mew is ok, actually, I like it, srry youknowwho, but u're getting on my nerves sista
youknowwho: TRAITOR!!! I HATE YOU!! WE ARE NO LONGER THE *Sistah girlz* ( that's wat we changed it to , DUH!!!,
rubyslippers: ok, AA, Courtney, I'm srry, youknowwho is kinda a jerk, wait, no is DEFINITELY a jerk! tokyo mew mew is AWESOME!!!!
rubyslippers: so will ya'll forgive me???
rubyslippers: pweeees!!!!!
rubyslippers: :sad:
On our awesome hate blog-
youknowwho: rubyslippers is SOOO dumb!
rubyslippers: peeps, I'm srry, I've been a jerk, ;
youknowwho: me and rubyslippers are SO not friends! I'm not friends w/ PP either!!! and call me wat you want!
(then i posted)
AuthorAngel: Ruby, I will never ever ever ever ever forgive you. And youknowho, AKA mildew mildred, get out of here you asshole
So Rube-o, u see why we aren't going to ever forgive u?